Sacraments and Sacramentals
Blessing of Religious Articles
Religious articles are blessed immediately after every Sunday Mass. Please come to the Communion rail with the items you would like to have blessed.
Blessing of Expectant Mothers
Expectant mothers can receive a special blessing on the second Sunday of the month immediately after Holy Mass.
Parish Rosary
The parish prays the Holy Rosary together approximately 30 minutes before Holy Mass on Sundays and Holydays. Please join us. During Lent, the Rosary is replaced by the Stations of the Cross.
Confessions are typically heard 30-45 minutes before Sunday and Holyday Masses and 15-30 minutes before weekday Masses.
RESOURCE: Examination of Conscience for Adults (PDF)
Baptisms are by appointment. At least one parent as well as the sponsor (only one sponsor is required) must be practicing Roman Catholics who attend the Traditional Latin Mass exclusively. For further information please phone Father for arrangements.
The Sacrament of Confirmation will be administered every year by His Excellency, Bp. Mark Pivarunas, CMRI.
Holy Matrimony
For practicing registered parishioners only. If you are contemplating marriage, please make an appointment to speak with Father before setting a date.
Simply call Father before calling the funeral director. Father will help you make all the necessary arrangements.
Last Rites and Sick Calls
Father serves a wide area and may have to travel far to administer these sacraments. Please do not put off making arrangements until the last moment. Let us know if a church member is sick, hospitalized, or in danger of death.
Mass Stipends/Intentions
May be submitted for a stipend of $25.00. For your Mass requests, please use the special Mass stipend envelopes found in the vestibule. Please make checks payable to the name of the priest, not to the parish or CMRI. You may give Mass requests directly to the priest or drop them in the collection basket. Please request particular dates for Masses at least one month in advance.
First Holy Communion
First Holy Communions will typically be made once a year.