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St. Therese's Academy

K - 12 Parochial School

Academic Program

St. Therese the Little Flower Church has an academic program for children of all grades from kindergarten through high school.

Taught by Mater Dei Sisters

Courses are taught by the Sisters (Nuns) of the Congregation of the Mother of God (Congregatio Matris Dei), which is headquartered in Persia, Iowa.

2023/24 Teachers

Sr. Rose Marie, CMD, Principal
Sr. Mary Clare, CMD

School Location

St. Therese the Little Flower Church
500 West Mulberry Street
Lebanon, OH 45036

For More Information

Parents of prospective students may contact St. Therese's Academy either by calling or emailing Sr. Rose Marie

St. Therese of Lisieux by Leonard Porter, 2008

"Receive my instruction, and not money: choose knowledge rather than gold. For wisdom is better than all the most precious things: and whatsoever may be desired cannot be compared to it.”

Proverbs 8:10-11

+ Te Deum Laudamus in Omnis Terra +

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