Mass Schedule - Week of September 15th, 2024
Seven Sorrows of the Blessed Virgin Mary
Sunday, September 15
Seven Sorrows of the Blessed Virgin Mary
17th Sunday after Pentecost
8:00 am Low Mass (RIP Mary Victoria Omlor from Patrick Omlor)
Server: Aiden Sellers
9:35 am Holy Rosary
10:00 am High Mass (Pro Populo)
Server: Paddy Omlor and Clayton Wright
Monday, September 16
Ss. Cornelius, P & Cyprian, B, Mm
**NO MASS SCHEDULED** (RIP Mary Victoria Omlor from Patrick Omlor)
Tuesday, September 17
Stigmata of St. Francis
7:00 am Low Mass (RIP Mary Victoria Omlor from Patrick Omlor)
Wednesday, September 18
St. Joseph of Cupertino, C
Ember Wednesday
7:00 am Low Mass (RIP Mary Victoria Omlor from Patrick Omlor)
Thursday, September 19
Ss. Januarius & Comp., Mm
**NO MASS SCHEDULED** (RIP Mary Victoria Omlor from Patrick Omlor)
Friday, September 20
Ss. Eustace & Comp., Mm
Ember Friday
8:00 am Low Mass (RIP Mary Victoria Omlor from Patrick Omlor)
Saturday, September 21
St. Matthew, ApEv
Ember Saturday
8:30 am Low Mass (RIP Mary Victoria Omlor from Patrick Omlor)
Sunday, September 22
18th Sunday after Pentecost
St. Thomas Villanova, BC
Holy Theban Legion, Mm
8:00 am Low Mass (RIP Mary Victoria Omlor from Patrick Omlor)
Server: Jake Sellers
9:35 am Holy Rosary
10:00 am Low Mass (Pro Populo)
Server: Michael Peck
† No Mass scheduled on Thursday (9/19), but there will be distribution of Holy Communion at 7 45 am.
† This Wednesday, Friday, and Saturday are Ember Days! Wednesday and Saturday are days of fast and partial abstinence. Friday is a day of fast and full abstinence. Everyone over the seven years of age is bound to observe the law of abstinence. Ages 21 to 59 are bound to observe the law of fast.
† Monthly Pancake and Egg Breakfast: Will be held on September 22nd in the back of the church following the
10 am Mass. All are welcome! Free, but donations to help support the CMD Sisters and the Academy are
† 14 DAY SANCTUARY LAMP: is burning for the week of (9/7 to 9/20) for the INTENTIONS of Connie Sellers. If you would like to donate to light the 14 day sanctuary candle for your intention, please let Father know. The donation for each candle is $25 (candles generally last 14 days, but sometimes they burn faster than expected).
† The next Catechism Classes with the Sisters will be September 29th after each Mass.
Moral Questions:
Father Connell answers moral questions:
Chapter 1. CATHOLICS AT EASTER SUNRISE SERVICE: Question 8 A: Would Catholics be permitted to attend an “Easter sunrise service” —conducted, of course, by a Protestant minister?
Question 8 B: Would a Catholic be allowed to sing in the choir at such a service?