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Welcome to St. Therese's

The clergy and parishioners of St. Therese adhere firmly to the unchangeable Catholic Faith and Sacraments as taught by all true Popes, from St. Peter to Pius XII.

St. Therese of Lisieux by Leonard Porter, 2008
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Mass Schedule - Week of September 29th, 2024

Dedication of St. Michael the Archangel

Sunday, September 29

Dedication of St. Michael the Archangel

19th Sunday after Pentecost
8:00 am Low Mass (RIP Mary Victoria Omlor from Patrick Omlor)

  • Server: Issac Smith

9:35 am Holy Rosary
10:00 am Low Mass (Pro Populo)

  • Server: Peter Creighton

Monday, September 30

St. Jerome, PrCD
**NO MASS SCHEDULED** (RIP Mary Victoria Omlor from Patrick Omlor)


Tuesday, October 1


St. Remigius, BC
7:00 am Low Mass (Poor Souls in Purgatory)


Wednesday, October 2

Holy Guardian Angels
7:00 am Low Mass (Poor Souls in Purgatory)


Thursday, October 3

St. Therese of Lisieux, V
6:00 pm High Mass (Poor Souls in Purgatory)


Friday, October 4

St. Francis of Assisi, C
6:00 pm Low Mass w/Holy Hour & Simple Benediction (Poor Souls in Purgatory)


Saturday, October 5

Blessed Virgin Mary Saturday

Ss. Placidus & Comp., Mm
8:30 am Low Mass (Poor Souls in Purgatory)


Sunday, October 6

20th Sunday after Pentecost

St. Bruno, C
8:00 am Low Mass (Maria Tumbusch & Family from Brigette Holsapple)

  • Server: Aiden Sellers

9:35 am Holy Rosary
10:00 am High Mass (Pro Populo)

  • Server: MC: Paddy Omlor.

  • Acolytes: Peter Creighton & Michael Peck.

  • Thurifer: Clayton Wright.

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   No Catechism Classes with the Sisters today.

†  First Friday Devotion this Friday. Mass at 6 pm followed by Holy Hour & Simple Benediction to make reparation to the Sacred Heart of Jesus. “Can you not watch one hour with Me?”

†  This Thursday (10/3), is the feast of St. Therese the Little Flower, our parish Saint! Mass will be at 6 pm. 

†  During the month of October (Month of the Holy Rosary), we will be reciting the rosary in front of the Blessed  Sacrament and having Benediction after the weekday Masses. The Litany of the BVM and the prayer of St. Joseph will be recited after the rosary. 

†  Monthly Pancake and Egg Breakfast: The next monthly pancake breakfast will be October 20th after the 10 am Mass in the back of the church. All are welcome! Free, but donations to help support the CMD Sisters and the Academy are appreciated! 

†  Evening Mass once a week: A few people were inquiring about having an evening Mass once a week; if enough people (15-25 people) would commit to attending an evening Mass once a week (possibly on Thursday at 6 pm), Father would consider having it once a week for those who are not able to make it to the morning Masses. Please contact Father to let him know. Thank you.

†  14 DAY SANCTUARY LAMP: If you would like to donate to light the 14 day sanctuary candle for your intention, please let Father know. The donation for each candle is $25 (candles generally last 14 days, but sometimes they burn faster than expected). 

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Note: Our bulletin is printed in bulk and is available in hardcopy for all in the vestibule, but it is also available here.
If you would like to download a PDF copy, you may do so at the links below.

September 29

September 22

September 15

September 8

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Answer: The priest who would provide a Protestant minister with altar breads to be used by the latter at his religious service would thereby perform an act of material co-operation toward a false and unauthorized form of cult. Now, according to theological principles, a person may cooperate materially toward another’s bad action provided that his own act is lawful, that he merely permits (and does not positively will) the bad action, and that his act directly produces some good effect sufficiently beneficial to justify his allowing the bad action to take place. The greater and the nearer to the sinful action is one’s co-operation, the greater must be the reason to justify it. Now, the cooperation toward an objectively sinful religious service would be so proximate on the part of a priest who would furnish the Protestant minister with altar breads specially prepared for communion, that it is difficult to see how there could be in normal circumstances a sufficiently grave reason to justify it. Certainly, the priest could not find an adequate reason in the fact that he wishes to retain the minister’s friendship, or that he fears he will be regarded as a bigot if he refuses the request. In the even that the minister erroneously regards himself as a priest, possessing the power of validly consecrating the Holy Eucharist, the co-operation of the priest would be still more unjustifiable, inasmuch as it would promote, not simply a false religious rite, but even idolatry. If one could imagine circumstances in which there would be a threat of death if the priest did not comply, he might be allowed to give the altar breads.

Moral Questions:

Father Connell answers moral questions: 

Chapter 1.




Question 11: Would a priest ever be allowed to give a Protestant minister altar breads for the celebration of the Protestant communion service?

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